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The Nd: YAG Laser is a dependable and safe method for long-lasting hair removal and treating vascular conditions. It applies to all skin types, even sun-tanned ones, making it an ideal choice for people leading active lifestyles. The treatment will be customized to align with your specific condition and the results you wish to achieve.

How does it work?

The Nd: YAG Laser targets and heats the blood flowing through the targeted vessel. The heat energy then clots the blood inside the vessel, causing it to collapse and seal.

The treatment gently heats hair follicles for hair removal, inhibiting future hair growth without harming any surrounding skin.

Nd:YAG Laser is used to treat:

  • Rosacea
  • Redness
  • Facial and Leg Veins
  • Telangiectasia
  • Spider Veins
  • Broken capillaries
  • Hair reduction

What should I expect after treatment?

The need for multiple treatments greatly relies on the seriousness of the vascular issue. Generally, the results sustain themselves for several years. However, as new veins emerge, there might be a need for additional treatment or touch-ups in the future.

What results should I expect?

Certain blood vessels might noticeably vanish immediately, while others treated might exhibit a more subtle or less noticeable reaction. The concept behind laser therapy for veins is that it causes the targeted blood vessel to break down. As time passes, your body gradually reabsorbs this damaged vessel, pretty much like the healing process of a bruise. Please note that this could unfold over a span of some weeks.

With laser hair removal, the number of treatments will depend on each patient’s response to the laser hair reduction treatment and the amount of hair to be removed. Since hair cannot be completely lost, periodic maintenance treatments will be necessary to maintain your results.

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